
Bio-remodeling injections for the skin are “injectable moisturisers."

This highly concentrated anti-aging treatment helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.


  • BioRemodeling is a high concentration of Hyalauronic acid based product. This revolutionary product works differently to other dermal filler treatments as it is formed entirely of Hyalauronic acid!

    Once injected, it blends seamlessly into the skin and spreads itself adequately as it is made of a totally natural skin component.

  • Bio-Remodelling is used specifically as a regenerating treatment which stimulates the body’s own Hyalauronic acid production and elastin while creating a tightening effect, counteracting skin laxity and remodelling the face.

    Clients can expect to see an increased in firmness, hydration and elasticity giving overall improved quality of skin, with results lasting around 6 months.

    BioRemodelling is injected into the skin in small amounts using a very fine needle. Numbing cream can be used to make the procedure more comfortable.

  • The most common areas suitable for treatment include the face, neck and hands.

  • The treatment is quick, typically around 30 minutes.

  • We recommend two treatments, 4 weeks apart, and to ensure an optimal long-lasting result, a top-up treatment is recommended 6 months after your initial course of treatment.

  • Downtime following a treatment is minimal. Some reactions may occur such as slight redness, swelling, itching, bruising, pain and tenderness. The reactions are generally mild to moderate and usually disappear shortly after treatment.

  • $900 per session

    $1700 for two sessions

    Note: price refers to per area i.e full face is considered one area

Before & After